Life Changes Counseling
Bilingual DWI Services
Assessments, Treatments, and Help
Greensboro, NC
336 - 387 - 0393
877 - 624 - 2559
About Us
We provide confidential and professional services to help you face a DWI/DUI charge
At DWI Life Changes Counseling our mission is to help you get through a DWI charge successfully. We offer many services such as DWI Assessments and Help, Treatments and even classes to help you get back on track. With a DWI charge you can lose your license and even face jail time. Our services help you avoid these consequences, and most importantly, make sure you never have to face them again. Our classes inspire, motivate and encourage through counseling and positive talk for optimum wellness.
The goal of our team at LC Counseling is to provide you and your love ones with solution focused help in order to get you life back on track.
Assessments And Classes Now Available
Online Or Over The Phone!
Our services include Assessments, ADETS, Short-term and Long-term Outpatient Treatment.
We are here to make a real, positive change in your life, and to help you get back on track with this life changing experience.
DWI Services
We’ve developed individualized treatment plans and multimodal programs with program content matched to each one of our students.
Trained in DWI counseling, our professionals offer clear and measurable programs and methods for evaluation. Our programs include aftercare plans for each client and provide long-term follow-ups.
Alcohol & Drug Evaluations
A DWI/DUI is a very serious charge, the laws pertaining to drunk driving are complex and sometimes confusing.
Learning about a DWI/DUI charge is important, it’s good to be familiar with the terminology, your legal rights and responsibilities, and the legal process involved in a typical DWI/DUI charge.
Counseling & Classes
Before being sentenced in court, or before being granted driving privileges, you must have an alcohol and drug evaluation, at Life Changes Counseling – DWI Center, our experts can provide you with an evaluation in accordance with the court order.
What Our Clients Say
We prepare you for DWI Assessments, Treatments and Exams
We Are, Where You Are
- 109 Muirs Chapel RD Set 216A. Greensboro. NC 27410
- +336 387 0393

- 928 Burke Street. Winston Salem, NC 27101
- +336 793 3350

- 5007 Southpark Drive. Durham, NC 27713
- +336 387 0393

We Are, Where You Are
- 109 Muirs Chapel RD Set 216A. Greensboro. NC 27410
- +336 387 0393

- 928 Burke Street. Winston Salem, NC 27101
- +336 793 3350

- 5007 Southpark Drive. Durham, NC 27713
- +336 387 0393

We Are Where You Are
- 109 Muirs Chapel RD Set 216A. Greensboro. NC 27410
- +336 387 0393

- 928 Burke Street. Winston Salem, NC 27101
- +336 793 3350

- 5007 Southpark Drive. Durham, NC 27713
- +336 387 0393